avertissement garabandal 2020

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avertissement garabandal 2020

un et trois mois. Le 18 juin 1961, l'Archange Saint Michel, qui semble avoir neuf ans, apparat quatre petites filles qui, elles, en ont douze ou onze: Conchita, Jacinta, Loli et Mari-Cruz. voyant et en sentant l'Avertissement. The cup is already filling up, if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us. Catholic prophecy expert Daniel O'Conner writes: "The Warning is coming very soon.". Ancien site : apparitionsmariales.org. Le 14 septembre 1965 - Conchita rpondait aux Amricains : L'Avertissement est une chose venant directement de Dieu. Today, this is understood to be the Illumination of conscience. After this there will continue to be popes, the Church will continue to exist, as will the world. disait quil se produirait durant une anne paire. de temps pour tre confronts d'une faon vcue, L'Avertissement est une chose venant directement de Dieu. , (29/05/1769 09/06/1837), parlait d'un grand chtiment Depuis l'ge de 20 ans, jusqu' sa mort 63 ans, la Bienheureuse fut accompagne Garabandal cannot be reduced to simple "events of the past"; it remains mysteriously contemporary as we await the fulfillment of the "Warning", "Miracle", & "Great Sign." "Therefore, judge not before the time: until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts. LAvertissement se produira moins de douze mois avant le Grand Miracle. Lorsque le R.P. Je pense que le mieux serait d'tre ce moment-l dans une glise, prs du Saint-Sacrement. We can see so many things and so much noise in our lives that prevent us from listening to God and to Our Blessed Mother. Seuls des cookies . Quand il reviendra, les hostilits prcdant lAvertissement clateront en Europe. aprs les apparitions. retracted his previously negative opinion, http://www.garabandal.ie/our-ladys-prophesies/, ordered the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II, Church teaching on homosexuality is false, Garabandal | www.garabandal.org - BlackBoardLogg, Illumination of Conscience? Laffineur demanda Conchita si cet avertissement causerait la mort, This is becauseprophecy throughout the history of the Church is not to be confused with fortune telling. One of the girls, Conchita , claimed, in 1962 , 'Mary' These . But And . Covid-19 Pandemic event lead Conchtia to speak out now. All this will be a result of the direct intervention of God, which makes it more terrible and fearful than anything we can imagine. The first message was read aloud by the girls on October 18, 1961: We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. en connaissait lanne, mais malheureusement elle est dcde le 20 avril 2009. All Catholics should go to confession before the punishment and the others should repent of their sins., Finally, when Our Lady spoke to the girls of the punishment, Her face assumed a look of great sadness. du monde. sentait une impulsion intrieure une sorte d'ordre venant du Seigneur et du Saint Je pense que le mieux serait d'tre ce moment-l dans une glise, prs du Saint-Sacrement. Avertissement Important. He and his wife, Gloria, will be running the House of Sanctification. If we do this, then we can play our part in protecting the world from the Chastisement. sera directement touch par Dieu, o qu'il soit et quel qu'il soit, croyant ou non. Next will be The Permanent Sign. But this does not mean the end of the Church. Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. moins de douze mois avant le Grand Miracle. En mars 1966, Conchita a demand de continuer plus que jamais et pour des motifs , On lui rpondit :Que voulez-vous dire par revenir ? [1] Pre Joseph Pelletier,Our Lady Comes to Garabandal, p. 149[2] Traduit par Hans Enderle, Source : Les quatre grands vnements annoncs Garabandal Partie 2 : lAvertissement Pierre et les Loups (pierre-et-les-loups.net), Comment vivre dans la Divine Volont Mark Mallett (2me partie), Les quatre grands vnements annoncs Garabandal Partie 1 : le communisme, The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience, le tmoignage bouleversant de Dale Recinella, Les quatre grands vnements annoncs Garabandal Partie 2 : lAvertissement Pierre et les Loups (pierre-et-les-loups.net), Avent 2022 : Mon Amour Misricordieux englobant Ma Justice Dialogues avec le Christ, 4me semaine de lAvent (mercredi), Avent 2022 : Mon Amour Misricordieux englobant Ma Justice Dialogues avec le Christ, 3me semaine de lAvent (mercredi), Zelensky : un acteur TV transform en acteur militaire pour lEtat profond, Message 23 mai 1985 Soyez doux, humbles, simples et purs pour recevoir Notre Seigneur! Nous pouvons le subir aussi bien de jour que de nuit, que nous soyons au lit ou non. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. On the contrary,if we are faithful and respond to Our Mothers appeals, this situation will lead to a providential moment of grace. The process has already begun, will continue during various phases over the coming months, and culminate next year in Rome. Avertissement d'un expert l'US Navy sur la Chine : une plus grande flotte gagne presque toujours.<br><br>Alors que la Chine continue de dvelopper ce qui est dj la plus grande marine du monde, un professeur du US Naval War College lance un avertissement aux planificateurs militaires amricains : dans la guerre navale, la plus grande flotte gagne presque toujours.<br><br>Les dirigeants . Jsus nous donnerait des forces pour nous aider le subir. The words of Our Mother were:After this pope, there will be only three, and after that will be the end of the times.The adverbafter,as Father Jos Luis Saavedra accurately pointed out in his bookGarabandal, Message of Hope,does not mean immediately. Every diocese is inviting its faithful to participate. On the way, Conchita heard interiorly the unmistakable voice of Our Mother who told her: After this pope, there will be only three, and after that will be the end of the times.Shortly thereafter, the Virgin clarified that while there would only be three popes,there would be another one, but he would govern the Church for a very short time,and that was why She did not include him in the list. In short, the prophecies refer to a period of tribulation for the world during which a Warning will be given to all of mankind simultaneously. Home Garabandal: Are the Prophecies About to be Fulfilled? Odd, or not so odd, that any suggestion that Putin is not the next H that opinion formers dictate we must believe, and one is immediately classed as a troll. Thursday 1st February, Christmas Apparition found in neighborhoods photo, SIGNS FROM MEDJUGORJE: DO NOT BE LEFT BEHIND THE GREAT APOCALYPTIC FIGHT HAS BEGUN.. In a moment, we will look at some pointers which indicate that the fulfilment of these prophecies is imminent. Today also I invite you to prayer, so that through prayer you, Source : the Apostles of Love community. The first secret of Medjugorje is the Warning of Garabandal, so the announcement three days before would be from the priest who will speak for the visionaries. Le Grand Miracle aussi et il y . Si c'est quelque chose que Dieu fera, c'est bien possible. ? March 31, 2020 stephen ryan 2777 Views Last week Visionary Conchita broke her silence and made comments about the state of the world as it works to survive the great pandemic. Ce nom existe dans Coronavirus: For a difficult historical moment, this powerful prayer to be recited today, to Saints Cuono and son. In the 1960s, there was no sign of communism going away anytime soon. pense pour le Ciel. 18 June 1965 de cet vnement est bien videmment notre Conversion. Il sera visible du, Il sera comme une rvlation intrieure, de nos pchs. (Messages du Ciel au monde daujourdhui), Message de Nol 2019 Pourquoi donc se rjouir Nol? L'agence prvoit ainsi que 230 milliards de dollars seront mobiliss chaque anne d'ici 2020. Et de nous maintenir dans lignorance ce sujet pourrait bien tre un acte de misricorde de la part de Dieu. There are other indications that the events are at hand. When Conchita confided the story to her aunt about 1962, the aunt asked, Do you refer to a council? (the Vatican Council was just beginning at this time). Communism is indeed come. En raison de lintense souffrance intrieure que lexprience entranera, cela peut sembler long, et si cela durait plus longtemps, qui pourrait le supporter ? With all due respect to the visionaries, it is quite possible to see future disasters coming even absent supernatural verification. Cest trs important, car ainsi les paroles de la voyante Many people at the time rejected this second message as being entirely implausible. du monde. Lors dune interview en 1975, Mari-Loli, qui connaissait la date de lAvertissement, Taille de police Rduire la taille de la . Nous allons devoir subir un jour un dsastre horrible. Garabandal. She urged mankind to deepen their faith by putting the Eucharist in the first place in their lives. Le Magazine Dcideurs est un site d'information professionnelle qui ne fait appel aucun cookies tiers des fins commerciales. Il semble bien que la ralit contredira cette thorie et lorsque la mme trs peur Whats That?? A number of world events are coinciding in these times that seem to confirm that the fulfilment of the prophecies of Garabandal is at hand. Quelques jours plus tard, on revient sur le sujet. The drama for the young girls was even more intense. But only one thing is necessary: Mary has chosen the best part (Luke 10:41). The permanent visible supernatural sign will appear near the village and will remain until the end of time. Im more and more convinced that what has happened in my country and the US is a living illustration of the prophecies of Fatima and Garrabandal. L'Avertissement, c'est comme une chose trs effrayante qui se pas. Le Miracle ne tardera pas venir . I definitely believe in these apparitions. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. Todays Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 6:7-13. Pour rapprocher Then, sensationally, in May 1983, Dr. Luis Morales Noriega, the medical expert for the diocesan investigation, retracted his previously negative opinion and acknowledged the authenticity of the apparitions. La dernire finalit de lAvisoest daviser, ce qui, soit dit en passant, est la traduction principale du motaviso. Dans une lettre du 11 dcembre 1965 adresse au Pre Jose Maria Alba, s.j., Conchita dclarait : La Sainte Vierge ma dit que nous, chrtiens catholiques, ne pensons pas lautre monde, au Paradis ou lEnfer. Une certaine thologie moderne voudrait que la Misricorde de Dieu nous fasse oublier It is what it is, and although not expressly forbidden to reveal it, I dont want to, and I dont have to. Conchita, depuis que tu m'as fait ces confidences, chaque instant, j'ai une (Garabandal, au cinma le 22 janvier 2020) SAJE Distribution 21.1K subscribers Subscribe 304 Share 28K views 2 years ago Interview du Pre. Cela nous fera penser aux morts, c'est dire que nous prfrerions tre morts plutt plus) pour nous prparer en vu du Miracle. Le premier eut lieu au commencement, quand Adam et ve pchrent, provoquant le basculement irrvocable du cours de lhistoire. The warning will prepare us for the miracle. In past interviews Visionary says Miracle will happen between April and June. The visionaries describe this period of tribulation in various ways. Finalmente, tendr lugar el castigo, mismo que estara condicionado a cmo la humanidad reaccione frente a la advertencia y el milagro. Amazing! que nous soyons. She said "March, April, May, then said, "could be June". He said nothing and soon vanished. I just dont think there is anybody brilliant enough to put the pieces together. Ce que nous pouvons dire, sur la base des dclarations des voyantes, cest que ce sera une exprience dvastatrice le pcheur voyant soudainement son me dans la lumire du trois fois Saint. Parce que Dieu le Pre nous a fait don dun Sauveur pour nous dlivrer du pouvoir du Pch. Until the Church issues the definitive public pronouncement on Garabandal, let us work toward our own conversion with a heart full of gratitude toward Our Mother who loves us very much and seeks our salvation with determination. "Oh blessed girls of San Sebastian de Garabandal, I promise that I will be with you until the end of the centuries, and you will be with me until the end of the world, and then united with me in the glory of paradise." Together with this I am sending you a copy of the Holy Rosary of Fatima, which the Blessed Virgin has ordered me to send you. A la suite de nos pchs nous serons nous-mme cause de la nature de lAvertissement Dailleurs La Trs Sainte Vierge a dit : D'aussi loin et difficile que ce soit, There would be another pope, but his pontificate would be so short that he was not taken into account in her message. I have to agree with Tom from middle England. On June 18, 1961, four young girls, were playing on the outskirts of the village when they heard a thunderous sound. notre me, ainsi que de nous purifier et nous prparer voir le Miracle. Aucun n'y chappera. disait quil se produirait durant une anne paire. Mais elle ne Garabandal: Are the Prophecies About to be Fulfilled? Garabandal Only God Knows Synopsis. je rponds : non. Elle a certainement voulu dire quelle sy prpare tous les jours. This prophecy depends on whether or not mankind has heeded the message of Our Lady. L'Avertissement c'est comme la purification pour le Miracle. Excuse my grammar please, Im in the pub watching the Notts Forest game. Aucun pape n'a jamais visit Moscou. Fr. LAvisoaura plusieurs finalits. Mille fois pire que. La Vierge ne m'a pas dit Ne serait-ce pas cela l'Avertissement Favorisant les rvlations authentiques de notre temps, et le renouvellement de l'glise. The angel spoke to the young girls over the next few days then suddenly announced that on the following day the Blessed Virgin would appear to them as Our Lady of Mt. Si c'est quelque chose de la volont des hommes, That is interesting. On June 3, 1963, as Conchita made her way to the church to pray for the soul of Pope John XXIII who had just died, she heard the voice of Our Lady saying, After this pope, there are only three left. There are witnesses who affirm that they heard Conchita speaking on this precise matter during that same month of June of 1963. It will not happen in February or June. The girls revealed: We have never seen Her look so serious. God then will make them see that it is He who directly has permitted all this. Mais j'ai quand mme trs peur It puts 2022 and 2023 in perspective. At precise moment when Our Lady arrives bright ray of light shines down on Mirjana. Watch video, Reminder Pope: Confess sins directly to God if no priests available during virus pandemic, The Coronavirus Pandemic Rosary: 5 Powerful Rosary Devotions to battle the evil supervirus. They occur in the same calendar year. qui connat la date du Miracle et qui devra la rvler huit jours avant quil ne The Blessed Mother gave many beautiful messages to the young girls. Please choose the desired language at the bottom of the page. After this pope, there will be only three, and after that will be the end of the timessimply means that there are three popes left before this mysterious end of the times begins. It will be evident that it is not a sign of this world but from God . God loves us but there are so few now who love him. Lors dune interview en 1975, Mari-Loli, qui connaissait la date de lAvertissement, Il faut savoir aussi que lAvertissement na pas seulement t annonc Garabandal La deuxime partie est riche des rcentes interviews de Conchita, de Jacinta et de Mari Loli avec l'quipe de rdaction de NEEDLES, la belle revue de Garabandal dirige par l'Ami Joey Viens, Seigneur Jsus ! Sur certains forums il y a des dbats pour savoir si lAvertissement pourrait se New Walden, Garabandal | www.garabandal.org - BlackBoardLog. According to Conchita Gonzalez, the principal seer of Garabandal, the Warning will come on the heels of an ecclesial synod, which she describes as a "small council.". dc; on; Garabandal conchita. Il durera trs peu de temps. Il commence par un. plus tard. futur, mais il sera prcd dune grande bndiction : L'Avertissement comme dernire For the first time ever, it will be a Synod with a worldwide dimension. Lhumanit a connu, au cours de son histoire, certains vnements charnires. Having said that, it is obtainable in the peripheries, and more or less has already been revealed in other facets. ou une personne. que cela m'arrive la nuit. quand j'tais seule aux Pins, le 1. janvier de cette anne. volue dans lternit, se rend bien compte quil faut un minimum de temps pour les In the early 1960s, Garabandal was still a tiny and almost inaccessible hamlet of about seventy houses in the Pea Sagra Mountain range in northern Spain. Mille fois pire que des tremblements The permanent sign will be seen as visible proof of our Blessed Mothers love for all humanity. Ils sont pauvres mais d'une pit exemplaire. Photo : Parting the Veil (The Second Coming), de Jon McNaughton Sources : The Miracle at Garabandal Auteur : Barry HanrattyLire la suite "Les quatre grands vnements . One of the most ominous of these is a statement by visionary, Mari-Loli, who said that Our Lady had revealed that the Warning would occur at a time when Russia will suddenly and unexpectedly overrun a great part of the free world. Il semble bien que la ralit contredira cette thorie et lorsque la His supporting cronies come with great wealth and very nice yachts, those that have not yet been seized, of course. amie. AVERTISSEMENT : Ces extraits de lectures sont destins attirer l'attention sur des ouvrages que nous avons remarqus. rvlation a t faite . Jsuite anglais On June 18, 1961, four girls, Conchita Gonzalez (12), Mari Cruz Gonzalez (11) Jacinta Gonzalez (12), and Mari Loli Mazon (12) were playing on the outskirts of the village when they heard a sound like thunder. Il peut se produire d'un moment l'autre, je l'attends tous les, Pourquoi ne le publies-tu pas pour que les gens, Moi aussi, et spcialement quand je vais au lit. The Visions of Garabandal, 1961-65 Between 1961 and 1965, four girls in the hamlet of Garabandal in northern Spain claimed to have seen Our Lady thousands of times. John Paul Iwas pope from August 26, 1978 until his death on September 28, 1978. And we should do likewise. All of what Conchita has said makes perfect sense, maybe not in 1961-65, but looking back from now, how can anyone doubt?!? When one considers the millions who thronged to see the globe trotting JP2 it brings to mind the notion that a glorified appearance of the Beloved One would draw the entire world to Himself with only the incorrigibly evil self excluded. In recent decades, countries like Ireland have rejected the moral principles of the bible that were once enshrined in their Christian heritage. de l'Avertissement et du Miracle qui le suivra. Apart from the specific indications given by Conchita regarding the date of the Miracle, the visionaries made a number of other statements about the fulfilment of the prophecies (details can be found online at various websites such as www.garabandal.org and http://www.garabandal.ie/our-ladys-prophesies/). You spoil your otherwise commendable article by your poor grasp of geopolitical reality and that goes for your knowledge of facts, as well as your political analysis (such as it is) of Russia, or rather, of Putin. This holiday season has turned out to be more special than I Over the past few years there has been a renewal of popular How Does Your Faith Celebrate Winter Solstice? At Medjugorje, the apparitions to one of the visionaries on the second of the month have ceased. - JP2 Catholic Radio, Extra, Extra! We will see the consequences of our sins and will feel sorrow for them. We just need to be prepared and ready to see our Lord! This today is very important. La seconde finalit est la plus ncessaire, comme la dit Conchita : corriger la conscience du monde et le prparer pour le grand Miracle. J'ignore ce qu'est une comte. Amis de Garabandal continuent propager et dif. Conchita even admitted to stealing the host from a tabernacle for the photo later passed on as real. Pingback: Illumination of Conscience? (Messages du Ciel au monde daujourdhui), Que nous prparent-ils pour 2023 ? ne veut pas dire quelques instants, probablement une quinzaine de minutes. Garabandal: 10 MIRACLE DAY DETAILS (It will happen between the Months of March, April or May.) La Sainte seront guris et les incroyants convertis. The Warning will be a moment of great grace for mankind, a true penetration of the Holy Spirit into our inmost hearts, but it will be a traumatic event when we recognize the gravity of our sins and our distance from God. The Latest. As for prophesy. Ne serait-ce pas, J'ignore ce qu'est une comte. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over. Oui, quand il viendra nouveaurpondit Conchita. Alertant contre les forces contraires. (Voir plus loin). Mark Goring. ), and not with the United States, where critical race theory, gender ideology and radical feminism, etc, are nothing if not the leitmotif of the Biden administration! - Voici par crit l'Avertissement qui me fut donn par la Sainte Vierge The people present on the first night were so shocked they thought the world was about to come to an end. It will coincide with a great ecclesiastical event in the Church. We all know that human institutions, countries, rulers and even Churches can be changed as a result of their own misguided actions. Sainte Vierge dit que peu verront Dieu ils sont si peu nombreux on n'y Le Miracle ne tardera pas venir . Le retour de l'inflation, phnomne majeur, n'est pas engendr sui generis par l'conomie elle-mme comme dans les annes 1970. Now when circumstances do not allow us to go out, we may not be able to go to church, to Mass, or to confession, but nobody can prevent us from retreating to the depths of our soul to speak with Him, sometimes to ask, other times to intercede, praise, bless, thank Him, adore Him.Conchita ends by saying "He is all we need." Il semblerait, selon certains messages, que lAvertissement devrait se produire entre un. New Walden, Pingback: Garabandal | www.garabandal.org - BlackBoardLog, To the editors: I left a lengthy comment to the poster named JUST ME well below. Garabandal no ha sido aprobada por la Iglesia Whats That?? That is why we would like to reflect for a moment on the information at our disposal, being careful that wedo not fall into making interpretations that do not correspond to us, but which only the Church is entitled to make. ______________________________________________________________. minutes seule, Nous pouvons le subir aussi bien de jour que de nuit, que. la date possible pour le grand miracle a garabandal : 13 avril 2023 ?? se verra comme Dieu le voit. Lexpert en prophtie catholique Daniel OConner crit lavertissement arrive trs bientt. The apparitions of Garabandal occurred between 1961 and 1965 in the area of Cantabria, in the north of Spain, to 4 girls: Conchita, Jacinta, Mari Cruz and Mari Loli, already deceased. Dans tou, tes les parties Our Lady has revealed the date to Conchita, who will announce it eight days in advance. She answered: Let us embrace these words and put them into practice. (Si tu retiens les fautes, Seigneur Seigneur, qui subsistera ?). Bishops and theologians have become utterly contaminated as well. Yes, in the end He is the only thing necessary. The visionary cannot take the risk of interpreting the messages received. Lorsque le Dr J. Dominguez a demand Conchita combien de temps cela durerait, elle a rpondu que cinq minutes seraient suffisantes. garabandal, Apr 25, 2020 #3 Frankly, indaiatubano, Booklady and 6 others like this. Il sera comme une rvlation intrieure, de nos pchs. The Church has been rocked in recent decades by the revelations of the evil abuses perpetrated by bishops and priests alike. On June 18, 1961, four young girls, were. Conchita prcisera la fin de 1970, au P. Pelletier New-York : . prte pas assez attention, mais c'est grave trs grave ! minutes seulement ce qui nous attend. Mais ne voyons-nous The Story of Garabandal. Dieu voudrait que grce cet Avertissement, nous nous The Oct. 10 2021 Mass, which officially open the synodal process. From his public statements, it is clear that Putin hankers after the power once exercised by Russia over the countries of the old Soviet Union. She says to spend as much time as possible with God. Toujours la fin de cette anne 1970, Conchita corrigeait ce texte et, Pendant la courte priode que cela durera, nous aurons suffisamment Elle We are already experiencing some of those trials. Oui, c'est vrai. Grand Miracle de Garabandal (6 676) ruptions volcaniques et nuit de cendres (6 634) Avoir confiance en la Providence Divine . . mais aussi par de nombreux mystiques. Fr. On March 19, 2020, Conchita was asked if she could offer some words of advice in this difficult time that the world and the Church are going through. Our Mother at Garabandal did not go beyond what she said and we cannot venture to add a single additional word. This will be a worldwide sign from God to be seen and then felt interiorly by everyone on Earth. gb. les incroyants, et les gens de n'importe quelle rgion le verront et le ressentiront. Required fields are marked *. mystiques dans l'Histoire de l'glise. Si je pouvais vous le dire. But youre blind to its major manifestations; at least geopolitically-speaking. In a certain moment not a single motor or machine will function. Les quatre grands vnements annoncs Garabandal - Partie 2 : l'Avertissement ChrisD 14 dcembre 2021 Actualits, Religieuses Le premier des trois grands vnements surnaturels prophtiss Garabandal sera d'une ampleur sans prcdent dans l'histoire de l'humanit. pour qu'ils s'amendent. In a small village in Northern Spain, San Sebastin de Garabandal, four girls, Conchita, Jacinta, Mari Loli, and Mari Cruz, claim that St. Michael the Archangel has just appeared to them. 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Warning is coming very soon. & quot ; God away from us by our own efforts sur ouvrages... 1961, four young girls was even more intense Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark.! These words and put them into practice c'est dire que nous avons.... Castigo, mismo que estara condicionado a cmo la humanidad reaccione frente a avertissement garabandal 2020 advertencia y el milagro be and... John Paul Iwas pope from August 26, 1978 avant le grand Miracle second of the will! Look at some pointers which indicate that the events are at hand everyone on Earth, 1961, young! Pandemic event lead Conchtia to speak out now 13 avril 2023? un!, will continue to exist, as will the world interpreting the Messages received no ha sido por. If we do not, a chastisement will come upon us from us by our own efforts,. 6 others like this by bishops and priests alike possible pour le grand Miracle make them see that is. Anne d & # x27 ; Mary & # x27 ; ici 2020 no ha sido por. Lorsque le Dr J. 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