libreoffice basic programming guide pdf

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libreoffice basic programming guide pdf

The example first creates a text field which supports the service. The example is shown as in-line code, for clarity; in practice, the search would be inside a function, called with the name as a string parameter, and include error processing. RectangleShape.String = "This is a test" If the file name contains sub-directories, then these are separated by a single forward slash, not with a backslash usually used under Windows. For this purpose, the service provides the following properties: Whereas the previous section described the main structure of spreadsheet documents, this section describes the services that allow you to easily access individual cells or cell ranges. The example Dim MyIntArray(5, 5) As Integer defines an integer array with two dimensions, each with 6 indexes (can be addressed through the indexes 0 to 5). Note: As a statement, CompatibilityMode( value ) takes a Boolean value to set or clear the mode. In the simplest scenario, these are the X and Y-axes. VBA: In VBA, the formatting properties of an object are usually spread over a range of sub-objects (for example, Range.Font, Range.Borders, Range.Shading, Range.ParagraphFormat). For example, most of the page properties described in #Spreadsheets can therefore be used not only in LibreOffice Calc, but also in LibreOffice Writer. The variable can contain up to 15 numbers before the decimal point. VBA: Compatibility between LibreOffice Basic and VBA relates to the LibreOffice Basic language as well as the runtime library. The syntax of such method calls is oriented towards classic functions. The associated constants are defined in the enumeration. Anyone who has previously worked with other Basic languages in particular with Visual Basic or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) from Microsoft will quickly become accustomed to LibreOffice Basic. This code works only if the macro is started from the document itself! Here are the central methods that the service provides for navigation: The text is divided into sentences on the basis of sentence symbols. The text fields found are checked for the service supported using the supportsService method. The location of individual cells in a cell range can be determined using the getCellByPosition method, where the coordinates of the top left cell in the cell range is (0, 0). Each cell of a LibreOffice document has a unique name. If neither of these apply, FileDescription is assigned the "normal" string. In the past, the ResultSet object provided the resident methods in the Application object for navigation within the data, for example, DataNextRecord ). The declaration can only be made using the supplement As Date. LibreOffice Brno 2016 Conference Presentation What I'm Doing Now Now I'm writing a tutorial for LibreOffice Macros From the simplest "Hello World" Basic program running on Writer, Calc and Impress and compare their differences. The service grants access to the content of a paragraph. It passes through a complete document and formats the first word of every sentence in bold type. In its simplest form, the command for an explicit declaration of a variable is as follows: This example declares a variable with the name MyVar and the type variant. Text frame objects provide a range of properties with which the position and behavior of the frame can be influenced. A table consists of individual rows. VBA: The path specifications listed in Dir may use the * and? LibreOffice Basic provides the following test functions for this purpose: These functions are especially useful when querying user input. The example code modifies the content in each of these paragraph portions using the String property of the string. The descriptor objects for searching and replacing in spreadsheet documents are not created directly through the document object, but rather through the Sheets list. It can, for example, be moved into the next line if a line break occurs. Buy a printed copy. An example for the grouped option button: Text fields allow users to type numbers and text. This list provides the following elements: You can also add the constants together to delete different information using a call from clearContents. For example, to create Yes, No and Cancel buttons (value 3) where Cancel is the default (value 512), the parameter value is 3 + 512 = 515. A procedure executes an action without providing an explicit value. The service provides the following properties for defining background colors and shadows: The structure and the detailed specifications for cell shadows have the following structure: The following example writes the number 1000 to the cell B2, changes the background color to red using the CellBackColor property, and then creates a light gray shadow for the cell that is moved 1 mm to the left and down. The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. Through the API, for example, documents can be created, opened, modified and printed. Note: The values for selecting the buttons are: To set a button as the default button, add one of the following values to the parameter value from the list of button selections. The predefined _blank name is usually specified here, and this ensures that LibreOffice creates a new window. However, unlike the old Application object, StarDesktop is primarily responsible for opening new documents. It displays the names in a message box. XIndexAccess provides the getByIndex and getCount methods for calling the subordinate objects. Finally, the removeByName call removes the object behind OldStyle from ParagraphStyles. The functions resident in the old Application object for controlling the on-screen depiction of LibreOffice (for example, FullScreen, FunctionBarVisible, Height, Width, Top, Visible) are no longer used. The updateString method, for example, allows a string to be written. VBA: Unlike in VBA, the first column has the index 0 and not the index 1. The Expand parameter is a Boolean value which specifies whether the area passed over during navigation is to be highlighted. The second parameter specifies the number of columns to be inserted (in this example: one). This chapter provides an introduction to the macro-controlled creation and editing of drawings and presentations. Each of these formats has an internal number that is used to assign the format to cells using the NumberFormat property. "LibreOffice" and "The Document Foundation" are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. This chapter provides an overview of the key elements and constructs of the LibreOffice Basic language, as well as the framework in which applications and libraries are oriented to LibreOffice Basic. check the "Macro" chapters in LibreOffice and Calc guides (1.1, ch. They can be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics ( service). The properties are accessed by means of cascading expressions (for example, Range.Font.AllCaps). Note: In some cases the loop may only terminate when a condition is met within the loop. To get the most out of this book, you should be familiar with other programming languages. If you want to administer a numerical value (for example a database ID) in addition to the natural language text, you must create an auxiliary data field that administers in parallel to the list box. Numbers can be inserted and called up with the Value property, text with the String property, and formulas with the Formula property. If you are familiar with an interface, then you can transfer your knowledge from one service to another. To access the view of a control element form, you need the associated model. When working with the Enumeration object, one special scenario should, however, be noted: it not only returns paragraphs, but also tables (strictly speaking, in LibreOffice Writer, a table is a special type of paragraph). Note: An interface combines several methods. If comments cover several lines, each line must be identified as a comment: A LibreOffice Basic program can contain dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of markers, which are names for variables, constants, functions, and so on. LibreOffice provides several ways of optimizing ResultSets and thereby controlling the speed of access. Since replacing parts of character sequences is one of the most frequently used functions, the Mid function in LibreOffice Basic has been extended so that this task is performed automatically. In the Dialog Editor, the property values are shown symbolically, as Default (0), Okay (1), and Cancel (2). Another mechanism for changing the text of headers and footers is available for text documents (LibreOffice Writer) because these consist of a single block of text. The hasByName and getByName methods are obtained from the interface. More information about UNO is presented in #Introduction to the LibreOffice API. LibreOffice control elements recognize different types of events that can be triggered in different situations. The following values are available: The following example computes the average value of the A1:C3 range and prints the result in a message box: The clearContents method simplifies the process of deleting cell contents and cell ranges in that it deletes one specific type of content from a cell range. If the corresponding parameter is not present, then a default value (in this instance, the value 0) is passed to B_Local rather than the passed parameter. While test functions exist for checking numbers, date details and arrays in LibreOffice Basic, a corresponding function for checking Boolean values does not exist. Finally, when calling up a text file, the eof instruction is used to check whether the end of the file has been reached: The following example shows how a text file can be read: The individual lines are retrieved in a Do While loop, saved in the Msg variable, and displayed at the end in a message box. The following call can therefore be used to provide a file with read-only status: The date and time of the last amendment to a file are provided by the FileDateTime function. With the help of this controller object and the model of the control element, it then uses the GetControl method to determine the view (CtlView variable) of the control element form. This function is not available in dialogs. The Rows and Columns lists can be accessed through an index in LibreOffice Basic. It is, rather, the start index which moves in LibreOffice Basic. The same applies when using variant variables: Since variant variables may contain both numbers and strings, it is unclear whether variable A is assigned the number 2 or the string 11. For all axes an additional title can be displayed. Double variables are suitable for precise calculations. It provides the functions for the frame object of LibreOffice, under which all document windows are classified. VBA: Through their ValueItemList property, list box forms provide a counterpart to the VBA property, ItemData, through which you can administer additional information for individual list entries. The createTextCursorByRange call then creates a Cursor, which is positioned at the anchor position of the bookmark. The following properties of an option button are available through its model object: The mechanism for grouping option buttons distinguishes between the control elements for dialogs and forms. They can be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics ( service). With the TypeEnd Type statements, you can define your own (non-UNO) structs: The Type definition is only a pattern or template, not a set of actual variables. A SearchDescriptor is an object which supports the Several TextCursor objects can even be opened for the same document and used in various positions, which are independent of one another. All drawing objects that can have a border line support the service. If it encounters a corresponding paragraph portion, it deletes the direct formatting using the setPropertyToDefault method and assigns a MyBold character template to the corresponding paragraph portion. (In the following examples, A > 10 represents any condition): As in the ForNext loop, the DoLoop also provides a terminate command. The following example uses this method to create an object of cell C3. Here we rename the first page of the drawing document. For Each loops do not use an explicit counter like a ForNext loop does. You can define modules to be global or part of a document. Note: This allows Java to control and manipulate LibreOffice's text, drawing, presentation, spreadsheet, and database applications, and a lot more (e.g. The counting variable of the loop therefore runs from 0 to getCount()-1. A struct is an ordered collection of data fields, that can be manipulated as a single item. The value is then changed to 20 and passed to TheValue, which is retained when the function is exited. loadComponentFromURL supports the following options: The following example shows how a text file separated by a comma in LibreOffice Calc can be opened using the FilterName option. Such objects and services are also known as context-independent services. In addition to inserting text fields, searching a document for the fields can also be an important task. If the document has already been assigned a URL and is not a read-only document, it is saved under the existing URL. The procedure for defining page formats differs from other forms of formatting. The preceding Filename and Title properties are of the string type. The following example inserts text in a rectangle and formats the font service. The bookmarks can either be accessed by their number or their name. The actual object form can be accessed through the Forms list at the drawing level. The code listed in the example is very similar to the code listed in the previous example for determining a control element model. In LibreOffice Basic, the formatting properties on the other hand are available directly, using the relevant objects (TextCursor, Paragraph, and so on). In the present version of LibreOffice, a visible StarDesktop is no longer used. These include the previously described services for paragraphs as well as the services for paragraph portions. Such CellRange objects are created using the getCellRangeByName call of the spreadsheet object: A colon (:) is used to specify a cell range in a spreadsheet document. If a number is not provided, 0 is displayed in its place. The flags specified in clearContents come from the constants list. Java LibreOffice Programming (JLOP) is intended for programmers who want to learn how to use the Java version of the LibreOffice API. The interface, which contains the methods for printing documents. The FilterOptions property contains the description of the syntax of the csv file. The ISO 8859 character sets provide an international standard. The following example shows how a bookmark can be found within a text, and a text inserted at its position. In the following example, variable I is the loop counter, with an initial value of 1. Whereas in VBA, the methods are applied to the corresponding Range object, in LibreOffice Basic they are applied to the associated Sheet object. The Sheets container of a spreadsheet document is also used to create and delete individual sheets. The lines are dark gray (Color) and are spaced is 0.2 millimeters (Distance) apart. There is no type declaration symbol for Boolean variables. Each cell supports the and services, the main properties of which are described in #Text Documents. You will find a range of examples which use these methods in the following sections. When using the ResultSet's UPDATEABLE and SCROLL_SENSITIVE properties, the scope of function of a ResultSet is comparable with a Dynaset type Recordset from ADO and DAO. Its argument specifies the value that will be returned by execute method. These include not only single-dimensional strings, but also two-dimensional fields. The syntax for label names is the same as for variable names. The following is a list of several methods for editing highlighted areas using a TextCursor and which also support the service: The service supports all the character and paragraph properties that were presented at the start of this chapter. Graphic objects support two of the general formatting properties: Additional properties that are supported by graphic objects are: The following example shows how to insert a page into a graphics object. LibreOffice programming with Java or C++ is a considerably more complex process than programming with LibreOffice Basic. The two functions are handled identically. The waiting period is specified in milliseconds. In its simplest form, the print call is: As in the case of the loadComponentFromURL method, the Dummy parameter is a PropertyValue data field through which LibreOffice can specify several options for printing. Regardless of the type of event, all objects provide access to the relevant control element and its model. To pass parameters as values, use the ByVal keyword. LibreOffice provides the service for line objects. You can use these events to, for example, determine if a user has finished processing a control element so that you can update other elements of a dialog. The options for defining color gradients and hatches let you create other colors into play. In many instances, it is the case that a text is to be searched for a particular term and the corresponding point needs to be edited. The following example sets the page size of a drawing document which has just been opened to 20 x 20 centimeters with a page margin of 0.5 centimeters: Warning: In general, only parts of the interfaces are discussed. The Exit Do command can exit at loop at any point within the loop. The user can therefore, for example, change the font type of all level one headers by means of a central modification in the document. return the number of pages, words, or characters of a text. Comparison operators can be applied to all elementary variable types (numbers, date details, strings, and Boolean values). Direct formatting is used in particular with short documents because the formats can be assigned by the user with the mouse. The real API call is: Sheet.getColumns.getByIndex(1). If you want to cleanly structure your code to prevent generating errors when you use this construct, you should not use jump commands without monitoring them. The following example creates a line chart. An example of how to use the definition, and how to reference the fields within an instance, appears in the section on WithEnd With. The options for accessing text tables are described in the following section. The LINE_TOP value of the VertOrient property ensures that the upper edge of the text frame is at the same height as the upper edge of the character. Note: This is probably not what you want. VBA: In Microsoft Excel, a distinction is made between charts which have been inserted as a separate page in a Microsoft Excel document and charts which are embedded in a table page. The copy is created at the next position after the original page, with a default name. Information about a pressed key is provided by the event object that LibreOffice Basic supplies to the procedure for event handling. When using DBG_properties, note that the function returns all properties that the services offered by the object can theoretically support. The easiest way to change a variable from one type to another is to use an assignment. There are various ways of formatting text. If the activation sequence is interrupted by another control element, then LibreOffice automatically starts with a new control element group that can be activated regardless of the first group of control elements. While the declaration MyInteger(3) creates three integer values in VBA with the indexes 1 to 3, the same declaration in LibreOffice Basic creates four integer values with the indexes 1 to 4. The Object type designation should be used to declare an object variable: The call declares an object variable named Obj. Use branching statements to restrict the execution of a code block until a particular condition is satisfied. With the value, LibreOffice Basic ignores the part of the exponent after the decimal point and interprets the expression as. This is not the case for new documents. Each of these documents may contain several spreadsheets. If there is no highlighted area, the text is inserted at the present TextCursor position. The origin of the objects is explained at a later point in this guide. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O within LibreOffice Draw and select the document you want to open. LibreOffice Basic provides the getPropertyState method, with which programmers can check how a certain property was formatted. More information about the available services, and their interfaces, methods and properties can be found in the reference for the LibreOffice API. The following examples show you how to access a sheet either through its number or its name. Combo boxes ( service) support the following properties: Tree boxes ( service) support the following properties: In many respects, the structure of LibreOffice forms corresponds to the #dialogs. In addition to the properties for characters ( service, refer to #Text Documents) and lines ( service, refer to #Drawings and Presentations), it provides the following properties: For the primary axes grids and sub grids can be displayed, matching to the major and minor intervals. The decimal point is fixed and is followed by four decimal places. In other words, the methods are assigned (as combinations) to the service in interfaces. For example, you can create a rectangle and then insert another rectangle inside it to create a hole in the original rectangle: With respect as to which areas are filled and which areas are holes, LibreOffice applies a simple rule: the edge of the outer shape is always the outer border of the polypolygon. Documents are opened, imported and created using the method StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(URL, Frame, SearchFlags, FileProperties) The first parameter of loadComponentFromURL specifies the URL of the associated file. This chapter presents the central interfaces and services of text documents. For Windows the recursion level is 5800. VBA: LibreOffice Basic does not provide code completion. Spreadsheet documents, like text documents, provide a function for searching and replacing. If you want to format the individual objects of a group, apply the formatting before you add them to the group. The following example creates a rectangle and tiles the Sky bitmap that is available in LibreOffice to fill the area of the rectangle: You can adjust the transparency of any fill that you apply. getCount returns how many objects are available. If on the other hand, the example encounters another field, then it displays the information unknown. This example uses the insertByIndex method to insert a new column into the fourth column position in the sheet (index 3 - numbering starts at 0). (For Writer documents only, you can use the Template Changer extension to set this feature again.). en As with rectangle shapes, all the formatting properties of drawing objects are also provided for polypolygons: The PolyPolygonShape service also has a property that lets you define the coordinates of a polygon: The following example shows how you can define a triangle with the PolyPolygonShape service. VBA: In VBA, RmDir produces an error message if a directory contains a file. The same interface provides methods moveByName and copyByName. The following methods are provided as presentation objects: The following properties are also available: LibreOffice can display data as a chart, which creates graphical representations of numerical data in the form of bars, pie charts, lines or other elements. Any modifications made to the data within the spreadsheet will also be reflected in the assigned chart. The gradient starts with red (StartColor) in the top left corner, and extends at a 45 degree angle (Angle) to green (EndColor) in the bottom right corner. Object type designation should be used to declare an object which supports the and services, the encounters! Define modules to be inserted ( in this example: one ) to open the getPropertyState,! 15 numbers before the decimal point is fixed and is not provided, 0 is displayed its... Only, you can define modules to be global or part of a paragraph therefore runs 0. 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libreoffice basic programming guide pdf

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